Wo Hop Shek Crematorium (1950-2012)
和合石火葬場 (1950-2012)

1950, Streetscapes, Landscapes & Infrastructural Facilities 街貌、景觀及基礎建設

Kiu Tau Road

Architect Firm: 建築署 Architectural Services Department

Traditional crematoriums are usually functional structures with an impersonal feeling. Constructed in 2012, Wo Hop Shek Crematorium adopts a user-oriented design, taking into account the function of comforting the families and friends in grief. The reflection pool at the site entrance calms and purifies the mind of visitors and prepares them for the ritual ceremony. Each ceremony hall has an independent entrance to allow families to escort the coffin of their beloved all the way, entering the hall with bamboos as natural backdrops. With the filial next of kin pressing the button, coffins will be descended to a lower level where cremator plant room is, resembling the Chinese tradition of burying coffins underground. A pond was constructed in the central courtyard, symbolising the hope of life and reborn. On the roof of the cremation plant room, a large tilted lawn area with small waterfall was created to soothe the grieving families with natural sound of water and to accompany them back to the real world.

傳統火葬場設計考慮功能為主, 往往給人一種冰冷感覺。建於2012年的和合石火葬場,設計以人為本,重新考慮傷心親屬的心靈所需。入口處的倒影池讓弔唁者洗滌心靈,作好準備參加儀式;禮堂設有獨立入口,讓家屬可全程緊守靈柩。進入禮堂後,靈台後以竹作為背景,孝子按下按鈕,靈柩徐徐降下送進火化爐,猶如中國的傳統土葬儀式。禮堂外亦設有中央庭園,中間放置了一個水池,象徵生命的開始;爐房頂的大草地設有小瀑布,以大自然流水聲減低家屬傷痛,回歸現實。

文:鍾鳴昌 (香港註冊建築師)