Government House

1855, Government 政府建築

Upper Albert Road

Time exists only as a stream of change in physical space, even residence of the most influential person in Hong Kong cannot be spared. Since its establishment in 1851, Government House has been evolving. As the official residence of former Hong Kong governors, the establishment is a symbol of dominance. The Gregorian architecture built on a piece of oriental soil demonstrated a strong sense of colonisation. Sir John Bowring, the fourth governor of the territory, is the first governor to move into the establishment. In 1889, Governor Des Voeux decided to add two annex blocks with two storeys for social purpose. During Japanese occupation, Japanese engineers added Japanese touch into the reconstruction, where the Japanese tower is a significant symbol. The house has a secret underground passage, leading from the former governors’ residence to a place near government headquarter on Lower Albert Road. It is believed to be an air-raid shelter during World War II. The architecture itself is a living history book, recording our past with its space and appearance.

Written by: Corrin Chan (HK Registered Architect)

沒有任何事物是永恆,一切都在改變之中。就如現在的香港禮賓府,自 1851 年開始已經歷了不同 朝代的改變。香港禮賓府原為殖民時期的前港督府,是統治權的象徵。它以英喬治亞時代建築的 面貌,濃厚的殖民地色彩出現在東方的土地上,首任的主人是第四任香港港督寶靈。於 1889 年, 因為空間不足,港督德輔決定加建了兩層高的附翼作社交場所之用。於日治時代,日藉工程師在 改建中加入了和洋的風格,今日的日式塔樓便是當日改建的重要象徵。它亦有一條秘密地下通道 由前港督府通往下亞厘畢道的政府總部附近,相信是第二次世界大戰時用作防空的地洞。建築本身就像一本活的歷史書,以它的空間、面貌紀錄著我們的過去。

文:陳翠兒 (香港註冊建築師)
攝影:洪彬芬 (香港註冊建築師)